Your skin says a lot about how beautiful you are. That being said, it’s easy to understand why a lot of people invest in facial care, specifically in organic & natural beauty products. Clueless about what you should have? Read the rest of this post and we’ll share with you the five things that you should have as a part of your facial care routine.
When used before going to sleep, this can help in the removal of dirt and grime from pollution. In the morning, this will aid in the removal of residual night creams and make your face ready for the day ahead. It gets rid of the impurities that can be a precursor of serious skin problems, such as acne breakout. A good cleanser must contain organic and effective ingredients, similar to the natural beauty products that you are using.
A lot of people see exfoliation as a luxury, but it’s actually a necessity. Exfoliation will help in making the skin smoother. It strips off the old skin cells and improves the texture of the skin. It also helps in the slowing of skin aging, including the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. More so, because it aids in the removal of dead skin cells, it also provides an assurance that other products that you apply to your skin will work.
Eye Cream
Because the skin surrounding the eye is finer compared to the skin on the other parts of the face, it’s more prone to wrinkles. The constant moving of the eyes also makes it more prone to wrinkles. This makes it important to use eye cream as a part of your routine. If you have puffy eyes, an eye cream that contains caffeine is a good choice. Meanwhile, if wrinkles are your major concern, you will benefit from choosing an eye cream that contains retinol or antioxidants.
This is another non-negotiable when it comes to facial care. According to the University of Tennessee Medical Center, moisturizing is important since it helps to maintain the youthfulness of the skin, conceals blemishes, and reduces skin problems. The moisturizer must contain Vitamins A and B5, which increases the firmness of the skin. It should also have at least SPF 15.
Never leave the house without applying sunscreen in your face, especially if you are going out between 10 am to 4 pm. Especially when you are at the beach, you need to reapply sunscreen once every two hours or depending on the instructions from the manufacturer. It can block the harmful rays of the sun and will also reduce the likelihood that you will suffer from skin cancer and other serious skin problems.
There is a long list of skincare products that can be promising in terms of making your face look young and glowing. Nonetheless, if you have to pick only five, make sure that you use a cleanser, exfoliant, eye cream, moisturizer, and sunscreen as a part of your daily routine.