Write for Me – Submit a Guest Post to a Beauty Blog

I’d love to hear from you guys (if I’m lucky enough to have any one visit my blog, that is – ha ha!).

Seriously, it would be an honour to receive feedback from you if you would like to get in touch. If you have any questions on fashion, make-up etc, or want advice and think I can help, please get in touch! I promise I’ll try my best

Feedback is very essential when it comes to my site. I do like to know what is good and what is not! So, if you could please let me know so I can make the site as best as it can be for you.

If you want to publish a guest post then you have come to the right place as I can give you the opportunity to publish on my site! I can give you some guidelines on what you can do to publish on my site:

  • All guest posts submitted should be at least 500 words in length
  • All guest posts should be 100% original and not hosted on any other website, blog or publication
  • Facts presented should be true and all opinions must be your own
  • Content should align with current content on Pink onion beauty which is anything to do with fashion or lifestyle which is fine!

Technical difficulties? If you experience any difficulties, then do contact us! We want to help you have the best experience of this site as you possibly can.

I’m always here for a chat. So why not? If you want us to just give a tip or you want any advice then we can always give you some advice.

Also, I’m thick-skinned enough for some ‘constructive criticism’ if anyone has any! Would love to hear from you, as honest advice would certainly help me to improve my blog and the way I publish my content.

Thanks so much, and looking forward to hearing from you.



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