Technology has made our lives easier

Once upon a time, meeting up face-to-face was our only option for a good old chat. The word ‘chatting’ wasn’t even in our vocab. Fast forward to today, and we’re smack in the middle of a tech whirlwind. Whether this shift is a good thing or not, that’s a call each of us gets to make.

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Individualism is the New Pink

Us fahionistas are a complex bunch at times – most times. I mean the horror of rocking up at a do, only to be met with the nightmare of someone wearing the exact same outfit as you, is enough to make you want to crawl into a deep, dark hole. We never want to experience the terror of coming across as style-duplicates and yet most content you read about fashion is heavily focussed on trends. If it’s content that has anything to do with style and fashion, most readers navigate right past the exclusive, one-of-a-kind stuff and rather focus on what’s trending, what’s “in-season” and what’s “next”. Continue reading

Easy Guide to Identify the Cheapest Countries to Travel to.

Regardless of our different cultures and backgrounds, we all probably fancy getting to know this giant marble which we call home, a little deeper. Just pack our bags and grab the next train or plane to an unknown destination sounds like lots of fun, but unfortunately, the economic situation of Great Britain is not at its brightest spot right now. Continue reading

Rights & Benefits for Disabled People: Where to Find Help


(Image Source: Flickr)

There are more than 11 million people in the UK who are registered as having a disability or impairment that affects their day-to-day life. These disabilities and impairments can be related to sight, hearing, mobility, or mental health. Fortunately, in the UK we have a reasonably good system in place, not only for supporting disabled people with aspects of daily living, but also for actively encouraging them to maintain strong roles in the community, by seeking employment, for example, or travelling independently. Continue reading

Tips For Creating a Healthy Family Dynamic


Child rearing is no easy task. It’s even debatable whether raising a child in today’s world is harder than it’s ever been. Though there is really no way to quantify this speculation, the masses of resources that are available today, both good and bad, definitely put different stresses on parents and children alike.

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Bonding with Your Other Half through Mutual Grooming


When it comes to the delicate process of crafting a bond with your significant other, it’s always best to let things flow naturally, most of the time at least. Anything that feels too forced is indeed nature’s way of letting you know that you should ease-up a bit, but you can get even more solid guidance from Mother Nature by fully embracing your inner animalistic instincts which have undoubtedly survived the various stages of our evolution.

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Ways You Can Make An Income From Your Couch

You don’t always have to have a college degree, or run of the mill job to make money. Everybody pushes education from a young age saying that you need to have good grades through high school to make into a good college. If you make it into a good college, you’ll have a career that will make you far more money than another job without a college degree ever could.

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